
May 2024

HOA Board News

The Westside Boulevard Expansion project has created difficult problems for many of our HOA members. These issues can, and must, be fixed. For at least two years, many of our HOA homeowners who live in the vicinity of Westside Blvd. have had to live with the daily threat and disturbance of dangerous speeding that occurs on this one mile stretch of road. At night, they have had to wake up to the noise of high speeding and street racing. Day or night, our homeowners are rightly concerned that one day a speeder will come crashing through their wall, into the backyard, and possibly into their house.
Many of us who do not live on Westside know this problem as well. We too have seen drivers travel at high speed, sometimes well over the speed limit. It is time the speeders are stopped. For years, some of our HOA members have tried repeatedly to get City officials to take action to curb the speeding. It is time that more effective measures are taken to rein in the excessive speeding on Westside. It is time to install Automated Speed Enforcement cameras.

The Seven Bar HOA Board has created an online petition demanding that the City of Albuquerque commit more resources, including ASE cameras, to help put a stop to the everyday excessive speeding on Westside. We encourage all of you to sign the petition.

Our HOA members who live in the vicinity of Westside are also dealing with light pollution into their yards and their homes. While it is unfortunate that there are some 40 new streetlights on this mile-long stretch of road, these lights do not conform to New Mexico State law or local law.

Our HOA members have repeatedly pleaded with City officials to properly shield the new Westside streetlights. They have lived for at least a couple of years with light trespassing into their yards and homes. We have included a demand in our petition that the City of Albuquerque fully shield the Westside streetlights as required by law. Again, we encourage all of you to sign the petition.
This article has been abbreviated. Click here to see the full message with more information and details.
The HOA Board has identified the following to get our voices heard by our City Councilor Dan Lewis and our public officials:

  1. Attend the Constructive Conversations with Mayor Keller for District 5 with Councilor Dan Lewis on Tuesday, May 28th, at 5:30 pm at the Cibola High School Cafeteria. We encourage as many residents as possible to attend this session. We would like a strong showing from Seven Bar North.
  2. Please sign the petition to present to Councilor Lewis, Mayor Keller, City Council members, and the Albuquerque Department of Municipal Development.
  3. Councilor Lewis has provided his phone number, 505-615-6507, should you choose to call him and speak with him directly.
Albuquerque is still in a Sellers’ market and with 1,754 homes on the market, we still have a low inventory level. The higher interest rates and high prices are causing homes to be on the market longer. Seven Bar North is still proving to be a highly desired neighborhood and most homes are selling within a few weeks of being listed.
The HOA Communications Team is still looking for volunteers with Wordpress and MailPoet skills. Please consider volunteering by submitting a volunteer application or emailing info@7barnorthhoa.com.

Jack Corder

Corder and Company
Spring is in the air!
Most of the homeowners in the subdivision have paid annual dues for 2024 and for that the association is very thankful. For others that have not paid, many of you are approaching or have exceeded the $500 threshold that was set by your Board of Directors to be sent to collections. If your account exceeds $500 you will be sent to collections and that cost will be added to your account. The cost of collections may exceed $400.
We have 3 homes that have been sent to the attorneys to begin the foreclosure process because their balances are well over $2,000 owed to the association. This is not an action the Board takes lightly, but if a homeowner ignores or just does not want to pay what is owed, your Board has no choice but to move forward to collect the money owed. It is unfair for all the other homeowners to pay their share and have a few neglect paying theirs.
If you are having problems paying your bills and you need to set up a payment plan to pay your balance owed, please contact our office so we can work something out and get the Board’s approval for the plan. You will need to do this BEFORE your account is sent to collections or you give the Board and our office no alternative to help you.
If you are having problems with maintenance of your property, Corder and Company has a list of very affordable contractors that can help with most things around your home. We are happy to provide you with names and phone numbers as you need them.
Have a great spring and get ready to enjoy your summer!

John Currier

The irrigation project is now complete. There are a few minor issues to be resolved and we will sign off on the project once the items have been fixed.

Both the Yellowstone Program Manager (Beth) and the Crew Lead (Edgar) have been providing excellent
service and have been proactive in identifying potential problems.
The Landscape Committee has been conducting a monthly review with Beth and Edgar. We have identified plants that either need monitoring or need to be replaced under warranty.
The property has been sprayed for weeds – both pre- and post-emergent treatment.

1. Remove and replace plants and tree damaged by a car on March 1st or 2nd on 7 Bar Loop.
2. Remove two large dying red tip bushes in the east side of Seven Bar as you approach Westside.
3. Remove and replace a cluster of small Hawthorne trees on the east side of Seven Bar just south of Sierrita.
4. Replace any perennial plants along the southern section of Sierrita that died over the winter.

Click here to view Landscape projects identified for 2024-2026.
HOA Compliance
Michael McGuffin, Compliance Manager

As this spring has had random streaks of rain followed by fair weather days, weed growth is up in the neighborhood. More than 250 Weed Violation Letters have been issued since the first of the year.
Please note that removal of the weeds is what we are looking for. Spraying of the weeds is encouraged to mitigate growth, but the dead weeds must be removed per the HOA Covenants.
Please note in Seven Bar North that your property’s front yard extends past the sidewalk to the street. Weeds in this "Nature Strip" are still on your property and should also be addressed. Homeowners who have sprayed but not removed the weeds should expect to continue to receive violations. If anyone has issues with weed abatement, please reach out to the office at (505)896-7700 as we have the numbers for a few yard maintenance companies.
Breaking Ground on Westside’s New Multi-Gen at Cibola Loop

Tuesday, May 21st, 2:00 pm
Cibola Loop NW & Luna Park NW
Primary Election June 4th

Early voting May 18th - June 1st, Monday - Saturday, 10:00 am - 7:00 pm

Visit Bernalillo County Clerk | Linda Stover (berncoclerk.gov) for voting information.
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