
February 2024

At the 2017 Seven Bar HOA annual meeting, the president announced that there would be a newsletter from the HOA to inform homeowners about what was happening in the HOA and the surrounding area. Joan Gillis, editor, requested volunteers to help. Nena Perkin stepped forward and “we” were in business.

Issue 1 of the newsletter was Spring 2018. It was created with the help of a designer, was in hard copy, cost $900 to produce and $1150 to mail. This newsletter, the 20th issue, is now designed by Joan and Nena using MailPoet and is sent via email. Cost of current newsletter: a few hours of volunteer time and $0.

Those volunteer hours have added up over the years and Joan would like to pass the baton to a new volunteer. If you think the newsletter is important to the HOA, please step forward soon, before Joan resigns. Training will be provided.
A few of our HOA Residents have experienced attempted burglaries of their homes. One such attempted burglary occurred at 3:30 a.m. while the owners were at home. Their dogs alerted the family, and the suspected burglars jumped the back wall into the neighbor’s back yard and got away. Please be vigilant and report any suspicious activity to APD. For non-emergencies, you may file a police report online at File a Police Report Online — City of Albuquerque (cabq.gov). The APD Mobile App Atlas One is also available.
If anyone would like to start a Neighborhood Watch program for our neighborhoods, please visit Starting a Neighborhood Watch — City of Albuquerque (cabq.gov).
Board Corner
Laura Trumbull, Secretary
The warmer weather has brought an increase of coyote sightings. The Board met with a wildlife expert last week to find out if there was anything that could be done to discourage them from being in our neighborhood. Please see the article included with this newsletter.

Yellowstone Landscaping has begun to replace the irrigation system. The system was the original one put in place and was experiencing multiple leaks. Due to the cost of the replacement, it will be done over two years. Spreading the cost over two years will prevent the need to increase HOA dues.

Now that the warm weather is here, many homeowners will consider home improvements. Please refer to the HOA Covenants for guidance and apply for ACC approval if necessary. An ACC application can be found at Request for Approval | Seven Bar North HOA (7barnorthhoa.com)
Enjoy the beautiful New Mexico weather and take advantage of our neighborhood paths this spring!

Coyotes in Seven Bar HOA
There have been many coyote sightings in our area lately. In one incident, a small dog was carried off by a coyote. In another, a coyote jumped into a homeowner’s backyard and confronted her dog. The owner was able to chase it off before it hurt the dog. Some of the board members met with Larry Shivers, a Wildlife Inspector to find out what, if anything, could be done to deter the coyotes.
Mr. Shivers said that the spring is an active time for coyotes. They don’t eat much in the winter and are hungry come spring. Their prey is small animals. They usually won’t attack humans unless they are ravenous. They are intelligent animals. Coyotes can jump nine feet from a standstill. A way to deter coyotes from entering a yard is to rid the yard of anything that would draw the coyote to it like pet dishes outside, water, or bird feeders. Coyotes will enter a yard to drink available water. Squirrels are attracted to bird feeders and they are prey for coyotes. Dogs are also prey. Mr. Shivers stated that coyotes aren’t aggressive animals and aren’t likely to attack a dog if it’s with its owner. Coyotes will attempt to draw a dog’s attention by playing with it and then snatch it away. They usually aren’t in packs. They have routes that they keep to and will often be seen at the same time. Coyotes are wild animals and as such are unpredictable.
Critter Control with the city can install rollers to the top of a fence to prevent coyotes from entering a yard. The rollers are costly. On rare occasions the coyote can be trapped, but it is difficult to do. Mr. Shivers suggests posting coyote sightings on Nextdoor.com. It would be a way for the homeowners in Seven Bar to keep informed. Mr. Shivers can be contacted at Larry.shivers@crittercontrol.com.
More information can be found at the City of Albuquerque website: Coyotes-City of Albuquerque (cabq.gov).

John Currier, Chair

Jared Goolsby, Chair
The ACC application is available on the website (7barnorthhoa.com) or
from Corder and Company (505-896-7700).
Jack Corder
Please remember that the dues are now $220 a year. If your bank sends your dues from your bill pay account, PLEASE update the amount to $220 to avoid incurring late fees and penalties.
Dues are used to fund major projects in the HOA. The Board increased dues in 2023 rather than deplete the reserve account for these projects. Recently, the irrigation lines for ALL of the trees and bushes along Sierrita were replaced and the cost is well over $100,000. The same project along 7 Bar Loop is to be done next year and that cost is projected to be over $130,000.
It is vitally important for each homeowner to pay their share to keep everything looking good in the subdivision. Please note: 2024 dues must be paid by February 29, 2024 to avoid penalties and interest.
Reminder: We are using a collections service and the Board of Directors has set a threshold of $500 for accounts to be sent to the service. This level was chosen because it is two years of unpaid dues with late fees and interest added to the balance.
Currently, the outstanding balance of dues owed is over $128,000. Out of this amount, 17 homeowners owe a little over $54,000 (about HALF) of the total owed. These 17 have been sent to the collections service and will be contacted by them. Out of these 17 homeowners, four may be sent to the attorney to begin foreclosure proceedings.
If you have questions about your account or think you may have a balance, please contact Corder and Company at 505‑896‑7700 or send an email to Associations@corderandcompany.com.


Michael McGuffin

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